Training Videos

Theses videos are to provide the viewer with information regarding RegO products.

RegO has prepared these videos to inform the installer or system designer on certain containers or applications where our products are utilized. For more technical problems and theories there are many texts and manuals concerning the subject that should be consulted.

This information is not intended to conflict with federal, state or local ordinances and regulations. These should be observed at all times. This information also is not intended to be a substitute for or to supplement any training in the safe handling and use of propane and related equipment, as required by any applicable law. By providing this material, ECI RegO assumes no responsibility for providing any such training. Only individuals properly trained in the safe handling and use of propane and related equipment should be permitted to do so.

RegO Product Training Videos

Regulator Basics
An Introduction to LP Gas

Basics Performance

An Introduction
to Propane Container Valves

RegO Product Videos

Swing Check Emergency
Safety Valves

RegO Internal Valve

RegO Locking Handle

RegO LPG & NH3 Product